APK June 20, 2016

IBM in collaboration with Watson unveiled the new electrical and self-driving vehicle, Olli in association with Local Motors.

Local Motors which are famous for printing the 3D vehicles has unveiled the new Olli 12 seater mini bus which is powered by IBM’s Watson Internet of Things (IoT). This electric vehicle is a self-driving model.

Olli is equipped with the latest and advanced technologies developed by the IoT for a better experience for the passengers travelling in it. In a combined statement by IBM and Local Motors, confirmed that the vehicle will be on roads of Washington very soon for public use. Later, it will be introduced in Miami-Dade County and Las Vegas regions. This vehicle is completely cloud-based. Around 30 Censors have been placed for the vehicle to collect data.

The co-founder and the CEO of Local Motors has stated that With Olli, the company enters into the world of self-driving vehicles and advanced vehicle technology. The Watson APIs – Text to Speech, Speech to Text, Entity Extraction and Natural Language Classifier will enable the interactions between the passengers of the vehicle. The Passengers can talk to the vehicle while travelling.

Harriet Green, the General Manager of IBM Watson Internet of Things, Commerce & Education stated that the new innovation explored the possibilities in the world of self-driving vehicles and providing a unique and personalised experience for every passenger.

Also, Read : Google Self-driving car in Testing Stage

Already the Tech giant Google is developing a self-driving car for the past few years. The latest technologies in the world of automobiles will surely redefine the meaning of automobiles in near future.

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