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5 Simple Hacks to Combat with Dandruff

Dandruff is a petty problem to a few and a nightmare to many. The beauty conscious will leave no stone unturned in finding a solution that banishes dandruff and for good. As bothersome as dandruff may be, it can be easily eliminated with the help of simple household ingredients. Does that pique your interest? Read on to know more!

  1. Neem and Olive Oil – The extract of neem can be no less than a miracle in treating dandruff. Combine it with olive oil and you have a sure shot remedy to those pesky white flakes. Neem also has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the itchiness that accompanies dandruff.

Grind some fresh neem leaves into a powder. Ass a few spoons of olive oil in a small bowl and mix with the powder. Apply this paste on your head and let it stay till it has all dried up. Wash it off and condition your hair thereafter.

  1. Coconut and Honey– Coconut has been used since time immemorial in treating skin and hair ailments. It has lauded for the many benefits it has and how it works on improving hair texture. But, did you know that coconut oil can also be used to treat dandruff? Honey and coconut together, work wonders in treating dandruff without any side effects like hair fall or itching.

Mix two tablespoons of coconut oil with two tablespoons of honey. To make this mixture more potent you may add two tablespoons of yoghurt and two teaspoons of olive oil. Use a spoon and whisk the ingredients together to make this a smooth paste and apply to your scalp and hair. Massage this into your scalp for about 15 minutes. Leave it on for at least half an hour and rinse with a shampoo. Once your hair has dried, apply a few drops of coconut oil to your hair and scalp to keep it moisturized.

  1. Listerine Mouthwash– Now, this is a remedy that will come to you as a surprise! Yes, your mouthwash can help you get rid of dandruff. Now, how cool is that! Listerine is said to have anti-fungal properties that curb the growth and recurrence of dandruff naturally.

Mix a capful of Listerine with your shampoo and use it to wash your hair. You can do this every alternate day for best results.

  1. Aspirin– Yet another remedy that you perhaps never knew of- Aspirin, can work wonders in reducing dandruff in no time at all. Aspirin contains salicylates that exfoliate dead skin cells on the scalp and thereby reduces dandruff.

Crush two aspirins into your shampoo and use it to rinse your hair and scalp. Be sure to lather this into your hair and let it stand for a few minutes before you wash it off.

  1. Yogurt – Cooling and moisturizing, yogurt can combat with dandruff in no time at all. It is said that the yeast within our bodies tend to trigger inflammation that results in dandruff and other skin woes. Yogurt is rich in friendly bacteria and hence helps in preventing dandruff build up and scaling of the scalp. It is also rich in probiotics and thus is a potent dandruff remedy.

You can consume yogurt to reduce dandruff or mix it with some pepper powder and apply the mask to your hair for doubled results.

These are few of the many home remedies that always work on dandruff. If you suffer from persistent dandruff, try these and you will be pleasantly surprised.