Alekya Ettaboina June 16, 2015

New Delhi, June 16: Indian Scientist has revealed that, Earthquakes will also happen on the surface of Moon similar to Earth due to the moments of tectonic plates. Complete report from JNU.

India scientist claimed that, just like earth quakes, Moon is also experiences quakes due to the movements of tectonic plates on the moon. It was claimed on the basis of analysis of photos taken by Chandrayaan-1.

Professor of Geology & Remote Sensing at School of Environmental sciences in Jawaharlal Nehru University, Saumitra Mukherjee analysed the photos of Chadrayaan-1 together with his student Priyadarshini Singh. As per their reports, information which is collected from the south polar region of the moon discloses many evidences to prove that tectonic activities on the lunar surface which is similar on Earth.

Prof Mukherjee said that “the moment of tectonic plates at lunar surface is due to mantle layer of Earth’s core and those moments establishing some material in liquid form under its surface. With this we can perceptually conclude that moon also has a core and then it is also possible the structure of moon is similar to earth”.

He added that “By comparing both earthquakes and quakes on Moon, we can say that, Moon is also experiences quakes like earth. Currently, there is no way to expect earthquakes at Moon, in future by comparing the both earthquakes and moments of tectonic plates a step would be taken towards predicting their occurrence”.

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