India, June 30: Facebook Lite App for Android is launched in India to spread their brand in app market. It came up with less memory usage, 430 KB that loads faster at low data connections.
New version of Facebook App named Lite has been launched in India on Monday. The app has been optimized for low data connection users such as the people who are using 2G, etc. Keeping the market strategies in mind, the developers made this Lite app with to load faster even at less data connections. Facebook is competing with the current world of app development and is in the way ahead to everyone.
Lite Vijay Shankar, Product Manager at Facebook said that as there are a large number of users who are using 2G internet connections, they have received feed backs that the app is not loading faster in some of the devices they use. To overcome this issue and for user satisfaction, a lighter version has been developed. Now any device can load faster at low data connections also.
He clearly mentioned that in order not to lose the consumers, the developers’ team of Facebook has done researches and found out this Lite App with less memory usage of 430 KB and that loads faster even at low data connections like 2G internet network.
Low end phone users are aimed which will also be helpful to high end users as well. There are many apps for messaging, WhatsApp, Hike, FB Messenger, etc. Some of the low end users are forced to delete other apps to keep FB Messenger so that mobile will not get stucked up.
Functions are tweaked to the new version and it will load faster than previous. News Feed, Status Updates, Photos, Messenger, Notifications, etc. are also supported by this light version. This is going to be handy for you from now.
Apart from this, Facebook Messenger came up with phone number sign-in option. Recently, it teamed up with Kaspersky providing Anti-Malware software to users.