Tamil Nadu: Film maker Kamal Hassan’s Uthama Villain, the Tamil movie has been called for ban by Hindu Vishwa Parishad, VHP for hurting Hindu emotions in one song in the movie.
Great actor, film-maker Kamal Hassan is now ready with his upcoming movie “Uthama Villain” which is directed by Ramesh Aravind. Recently audio was also released successfully. The movie is now called for ban. Members of Hindu Vishwa Parishad (VHP) complained on Kamal Hassan Tamil Drama “Uthama Villain” to the commissioner of police on Monday.
In their statement, they mentioned that the song “Iraniyan Nadagam” hurt sentiments of Hindus. This song is about the conversation between Prahalad and Hiranyakashipu. The member of VHP, K.L Sathiyamoorthy, told to IANS, “Lyrics of the song will upset followers of Lord Vishnu. It belittles the conversation between Prahalad and Hiranyakashipu. Hence, we demand a ban on the film”.
Uthama Villain is a film that is about an 8th Century theater artist and a modern-day superstar. The film is produced by N.Lingusamy and Kamal Hassan whereas music was composed by M.Ghibran.
Previous movie of Kamal Hassan was also banned by the Tamil Nadu government. This movie could not be released on January 25th, 2013 but was released after the controversial scenes are muted on February 7th, 2013. However, despite call for ban, the film makers have planning to release the film on 1st May 2015.
Uthama Villain Movie Details
Movie Name: Uthama Villain
Cast: Kamal Hassan, Jayaram, Andrea Jeremiah, Pooja Kumar, Parvathy Niar.
Director: Ramesh Aravind
Producer: N.Lingusamy and Kamal Hassan
Music Composer: M.Ghibran.
After long wait the actor – film maker Kamal Hassan is ready with different story line i.e. “Uttama Villain”. The audio and trailer of this movie has been recently released and received overwhelming response from audience. The movie is about 8th century drama artist (Uthaman) and 21st century film artist (Manoranjan). Kamal Hassan will appear in double roles in this movie.
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