Rama Krishna April 27, 2016

To promote self-driving cars, Google has teamed up with Ford and Uber to form a coalition to push for federal action.

Google, Car makers Ford and Volvo along with ride-sharing start-up Uber’s rival Lyft rounded out a roster of five founding members of the Self-Driving Coalition for Safer Streets.

The best path for this innovation is to have one clear set of federal standards, ex-US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration official David Strickland said in a statement. “The coalition will work with the policymakers to find the right solutions that will facilitate the deployment of self-driving vehicles.

Driverless cars are being developed by so many companies. Proponents say self-driving tech has the potential to be much safer than standard human driving, though policymakers are likely to have many concerns about the implications of letting a machine take the wheel.

The five companies, which all are working on self-driving cars, say one of the group’s first tasks is to “work with civic organizations, municipalities, and businesses to bring the vision of self-driving vehicles to America’s roads and highways.”


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