
Nikhil November 25, 2015

IIST Ph.D Admission 2016 opened officially and inviting applications from eligible candidates for Doctor of Philosophy Ph.D Fellowships for academic session 2016. The Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST), Thiruvananthapuram has invited applications from eligible candidates for admission to Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) Fellowships for the academic session 2016. The eligible and interested […]

Nikhil November 25, 2015

The government of Telangana is going to release TS DSC Notification 2015-16 within 15 days. As per news, huge recruitment is going to be held. Grab more updates regarding this latest Telangana Notification by visiting our site. The government of Telangana State is planned to announce TS DSC Notification 2015-16 within 15 days. Candidates who […]