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COMEDK UGET 2016 Exam Dates

COMEDK UGET 2016 Exam Dates released officially at its authorized website, Aspirants those who eagerly searching for exam dates can take a look over here.


Consortium Of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka has officially declared the exam dates for current session 2016. As per news, every year thousands of people who intended to take admission to Under Graduate Medical, Dental and Engineering programs will apply for the COMEDK examination. Nearly 20000 seats will be vacated for taking admissions to mentioned courses in 14 medical, 25 dental and 150 engineering colleges.

According to the notification details, COMEDK UGET 2016 exam is scheduled to be conducted on May 10, 2016, at various examination centers across the country. Aspirants who wish to take part in engineering program has one paper for three hours duration it involves physics, chemistry and mathematics subjects.

As per official details of the exam, Medical and dental programs physics and chemistry paper will be held for 2 hours duration and biology & English paper will be for one and half hour. Each question carries 1 mark and there is no negative marking in the examination for the wrong answer. COMEDK UGET 2015 Exam Dates details are mentioned beneath, candidates can refer it.

Important Dates:

Date of COMEDK-UGET: Tuesday, May 10, 2016.