Alekya Ettaboina August 3, 2015

Maharashtra: For the first time India-based candidates can get the Diploma in Translation by attending the examination in their country, the DipTrans exam is scheduled for January 2016 at Pune.

For the first time loL Education Trust is going to conduct the DipTrans exam in India, the center for examination will be the Corporate Head office at Vinsys in Pune, Maharashtra. Aspirants who wish to apply for this examination should have an experience as translators over the chosen languages aged at least 19.

Candidates, who wish to receive DipTrans, need to pass three units and each unit has a separate exam and certification. Unit 1 is a general test, unit 2 is a semi-specialised test about technology, business or literature and unit 3 is a semi –specialised text about science, social science or law.

The institute offers exam in many languages ranging from Albanian to Spanish. Candidates can register for January 2016 examination and the registration period will be closed on 31st August 2016. Examination fee for all three units is £595, in addition the examination center may charge extra fee for center. Refer site for reference.

The DipTrans examination in Pune will give the opportunity to translators in Maharashtra to validate their ability of producing a translation to a professional standard of accuracy.

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