Mumbai: Bollywood actor Hritik Roshan to host a new TV show entitled Real Heroes. This reality show is based upon stories of real life heroes and will be started from September on Discovery Channel.
The Bollywood Super Star Hrithik Roshan has a Unanimous fan Base all over the world and he enthralled his fans from couple of years. He ruled the silver screen with his tremendous performances and with his movies till now. Now the superstar is entering into small screen with a TV show.
There are so many offers coming to star from small screen and finally he has decided to host a TV show in small screen and thrill his fans with a TV show. This show will be based on Real Life Heros.
As we know Amir Khan is the only superstar to host a Television show till now after that Hrithik is the only star coming up with such a TV show. He will be encouraging the television audience by turning into a host for TV Reality Show named as ‘Real Heroes’ which is based on the lives of real life Heros.
As per sources, Hrithik inspired with theme of the show and agreed immediately because, Hrithik himself is real-hero. He overcomes many issues to become a Hero. The show will telecast on Discovery Channel very soon. Hrithik will ask questions and talk about the people who have inspired them to become a real hero. The first episode of the show will be started from September last week or October First Week on discovery Channel.
The episode will also feature the famous wrestler Sangram Singh who is the Olympic champion. This show also has some motivational content and being Hrithik as host to the show has something special.