IBPS Clerk V Call Letter 2015 released officially by Institute of Banking Personnel Selection at its authorized site, ibps.in. Aspirants download your respective call letters for online examination Preliminary from November 18, 2015 onwards.
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) is going to conduct Clerk V Preliminary 2015 online examination on December 5, 6, 12 and 13, 2015 at various examination centers across the country. Huge numbers of eligible candidates have submitted their application on the response of IBPS Clerk Notification 2015. Now those all are eagerly waiting for call letters to take participation in the exam.
As per news, the online examination of Preliminary is scheduled in the month of December 2015. The results for the same will be announced on December 2015. Aspirants who wish to take this exam must download their respective IBPS Clerk V Admit Card 2015 before exam date without fail to take participation in the exam.
Aspirants must keep in mind that based on performance in the preliminary score the selection will be made for Mains exam. So, it’s your turn to make good preparations to crack the preliminary exam. Further details and updates will be available in our site regularly; candidates can visit our site to check updates.