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IIT Admits Errors in JEE Papers | Modified Answer Key for Physics and Math

New Delhi, June 15: IIT has modified the Joint Entrance Examination answer keys first time for the Physics and mathematics papers after accepting errors in papers.

Indian Institute of Technology has successfully conducted the Joint Entrance Examination for all applied candidates and it also announced answer key of all papers on last Monday. Now it made corrections in the answer keys of Physics and Mathematics papers. This is the first time that IIT-JEE has publicly accepted errors and made corrections. IIT accepted errors due to the directions of Delhi High court in a PIL, HC had directed the IIT to receive objections in the answer keys from participants.

In Physics paper, earlier it has announced that answer for question number 12 is either option C or D, but the actual answer is C and D. Total marks for this question is 4, if students who answered as option either C or D will get full marks and students who answered both C and D will get -2 marks. So, the modified answer key has added that option C and D is also correct answers. Now the students who answered corresponding to all the correct options will get 4 marks, zero marks if none of option is selected and -2 marks in all other cases.

Earlier most of the students who attempted this question would have gotten -2 marks, now as per modified answer key those all, who marked correct, answer will get 4 marks for that question.

IIT did second modification in Mathematic paper for question number 48; modified answer key says that “considering the level of the question, 4 marks will be awarded to all the candidates”. Now all the students irrespective of attempting this question or not will get 4 marks.

IIT made third correction in physics paper for question number 19 but has said that not to award marks. Due to the uncertainty in the question IIT has announced the two correct answers. So, students who marked corresponding to all the correct answer will get 2 marks, zero marks if none of option is selected and -1 marks in all other cases.