Trimula Industries won Meral block for Rs. 727 per Ton in the coal blocks auction that took place today. The bid made Jaypee Cement, Hindustan Zinc to fell down in the race of winning.
Meral sale in Jharkhand give a kick start to the second day of auction of ready-to-produce coal blocks for Rs. 727 a tonne to Trimula Industries Ltd. As per the reports, it is said that its bid beat the likes of Hindustan Zinc, Jaypee Cement and also others.
The previous owner of the block was Abhijeet Infrastructure Ltd. and the non-power sector block has reserves of 17.045 million tonne. Whereas the other block on offer is Mandakini in Odisha. It has reserved for the power sector. For this, the geological reserves are of 322.79 mt.
It has moved forward with Rs, 124 per tonne whereas the bids for Mandakini opened at Rs. 1 a tonne and soon after that hit zero.
Adani Power, GMR Mining, and Jindal Power are some the bidders in the fray for the coal blocks.