We all are aware that the Nadigar Sangam Election will take place on coming Sunday and now the candidates were given their slots. Naaser gets number 1, Sarathkumar gets number 2 and Vishal gets number 3. Here are some more updates on Nadigar Sangam Election
- This election will select new members and the selected members can stay in their position for a period of three years.
- We already reported about contestants and posts which they are contesting for. Nasser and Sarathkumar are contesting for the highest post of President.
- So far 3,139 persons are eligible to cast their vote. Those who are out of Chennai are 1,175.
- Those who are out of Chennai can make only postal votes. But if they are willing to vote in person, they must report to the election officer.
- So far 241 persons have accepted to come to Chennai and Justice Padmanaban has accepted their requests. No more requests will be accepted.
- So on calculation, we will have 934 votes as postal votes. They will get their election tickets through post.
- Persons who initially said they will come in person and later changed their decision were taken out of votes. So far 150 votes were rejected in similar way.
- The postal votes began yesterday and so far 61 votes have been registered. 39 Votes from Pudukottai and 22 Votes from Madurai has been posted.
- Fully fledged elections will happen on October 18th at a private school in Chennai. Security has already been arranged for the elections.
- Similarly Simbhu was given number 4 and Vijayakumar was given number 5 in Sarathkumar team.