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Railway Ticket Cancellation Charges is Doubled Now

India: Indian Railways has doubled the ticket cancellation charges and from today, it is being implemented for all cancellation of tickets.

It is known to all that few days ago Indian Railways has increased the cancellation charges of ticket. Now, large numbers of people not satisfied with those cancelation ticket charges. Due to this reason on Thursday, effect of this ticket charges has been appeared. Railway officials again thought about this and revised the rules of it and largely cancellation charges doubled.

The main aim of this revision is to stop the misuse of the refund facility, to make easy mobile ticketing, to dishearten agents from black marketing tickets and other major issues said Southern Railway after releasing it.

Most important features of the rules which exist and revised are for unreserved second class tickets, and clerk age charge will be Rs. 30 from Thursday but previously it was 15. Likewise, for reserved and all other classes, charges of clerkage has been increased from Rs. 30 to Rs. 60/-.

If persons want to cancellation of their confirmed ticket of each class before 48 hours from departure of the train, the minimum cancellation charge will pay double. If you any one want to cancel confirmed ticket between 48 to 12 hours before schedule the train, 25 percent of the ticket charge will be subtracted.

Likewise, candidates who are willing to cancel their confirmed ticket between 12 hours and 4 hours before moving the train in given time, 50 percent of the ticket charge will be subtracted instead of between 6 hours and 2 hours. Amount refund is not being provided less than 4 hours before moving the train in given time.

After the month of the July 1st, e-tickets, filing of Ticket Deposit Receipt (TDR) are not needed for refund, while at reservation counters TDR will be filled.