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Serial Killer Ravinder Arrested | Murders and Sexually Abused Children’s Dead Bodies

New Delhi: Ravinder Kumar, a serial killer arrested by Delhi police. Going through Necrophilia condition, he killed as well as sexually abused 15 children aged between 2 to 8 years.

Ravinder Kumar, a serial  killer was arrested by Delhi police on 16th July, 2015 Thursday. Rape and murder cases were filed against him. Kumar killed 15 children aged between 2-8 years and later sexually abused corpses. There were many facts unveiled by Kumar during police confessing.  He was doing this since 2008.

Getting into the details Ravinder Kumar, who is professionally a bus cleaner, whenever he feels to do sex he use to find a child nearby, kills and fulfils his desire. He said he use to target children those who are playing alone and lure them with chocolate. He use to kill them after taking them to a lonely place and abuse the dead body sexually.

Why Ravinder Kumar Chose Children for Sex?

Kumar says he felt bad for what he has done but continued to do the next time when he was drunk. He says ” I would have continued targeting children had I not been caught.”  As he was poor and had no money to approach  sex workers he chose children. “No matter girl or a boy at that time” says Kumar. He said he committed the 15 such crimes in Delhi and Uttar Pradesh between 2008-2015. Kumar’s home town is UP.

Psychologists say that Kumar is suffering from ‘necrophilia‘, a condition in which people are attracted to do sex with dead people.

How was Kumar caught by Delhi Cops?

Police while they were in search of missing 6 year girl in Delhi, caught Ravinder Kumar and interrogated him, during which he unveiled the above facts. Police has arrested him an year before in 2014 for allegedly abducting, sodomising and trying to kill a 6 year old boy. Due to his drunken and inebriety  state police failed in tracing his criminal record of Kumar during that time.