SSC CHSL Admit Card 2015 for LDC / DEO Exams released for all regions, candidates can download right now via online from official site, www.ssc-cr.org.
Staff Selection Commission declared the official notice to download SSC CHS LDC/DEO Admit Card 2015 officially from its website. Candidates who had successfully applied for the Lower Division Clerks and Data Entry Operators posts can download their respective admission tickets to take participation in exam right now via online.
Earlier Staff Selection Commission released the notification and invited applications for Combined Higher Secondary Level examination in order to fill the vacancies of Lower Division Clerk and Data Entry Operators in various Government Ministries and Subordinate offices. Eligible candidates who wish to take part in exam must get their respective SSC CHSL Hall Ticket 2015.
As per news, the board decided to conduct the exam on November 1st, 15th, 22nd and December 6th 2015. In order to participate in exam must get their SSC CHSL Admit Card 2015 and must carry to exam center without fail. Here we added official information to download admission ticket, candidates can follow the instructions.
Follow the Instructions
Log on to official site
Navigate the admit card link on home page
Click on it
Provide Registration Number and DOB
Finally submit the button
Your hall ticket will appear on screen
Download it and take print for exam use.