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Swine flu Cases in Hyderabad | A Potential Threat to AP

Date: 20th January, 2015

As per the latest reports from health department, 7 died due to swine flu spread in the city. Around 142 people are infected with the dreadful disease in Telangana.

The officials said that Telangana is the place that is worst hit by swine flu in India. In this year, there are at least seven deaths reported in hospitals.

As per the latest report, a girl died on Tuesday due to swine flu. From the year start, 7 swine flu cases have been reported in Hyderabad as death. And more than 100 positive cases in the year 2014-15.

Vizag is also lightly to get the spreader disease swine flu which affected around 142 in Hyderabad. The health department is suffering a lot to make people free this dreadful disease.

Who are lightly to get Swine Flu?

Swine Flu Symptoms

Date: 10th January, 2015

Swine flu in Hyderabad Counted for 9 | Disease is on Vogue

Swine flu in Hyderabad is set to its extreme is spreading the disease. Till last week, 9 cases registered in which many of them are children and women.

Like a dormant volcano, the virus, Human Influenza ‘A’ that causes Swine flu in extending its hands to cover the land of Andhra Pradesh. It is a potential threat to the people in AP as many of them will be travelling from Hyderabad to their own which in turn causing in the spread of infection.

In 2009, World Health Organization (WHO) declared the strain as a pandemic which was considered as the new born. But it was spread worldwide which in turn caused 17,000 deaths in not less than 6 months.

Later with many experiments, medicines were found and the infection is brought under control. The world is free from flu from 10th August, 2010.

“General public should also consult a doctor if they develop vomiting, difficulty in breathing and if they notice blood in phlegm”, Dr. Narayana Rao, Epidemiologist and Senior Physician at ESI Hospital said.

The city is alerted for the notifiable disease and made it mandatory to all the hospitals, both private and govt to bring up the cases to higher authoritative.

Out of the 9 cases that were registered under Swine flu at Epidemic division by the end of last week, it’s fortunate that no death issues are found. It is sad that many of them are children.

Persons suffering from cold and cough should take medicine and consult doctor as soon as possible. They need to carry a handkerchief so that the disease is not through droplets.