Uttarakhand: Uttarakhand Public Service Commission has released UKPSC JE Admit Card 2015 today officially in its website, www.ukpsc.gov.in.
UKPSC Junior Engineer Admit Card 2015 is made available now by the officials. The commission is gearing up to organize written examination on 6th, 7th and 8th November 2015 at various exam centers across the state for filling up 578 vacant positions of Junior Engineer Posts in Civil/Mechanical/Electrical and Agriculture Departments in Uttarakhand.
Earlier Uttarakhand PSC officially announced the recruitment notice for Junior Engineer (JE) posts and invited eligible candidates to fill up application form through recruitment drive. As announcement made huge response came and large number of applications submitted by eligible candidates. Now those candidates are eagerly looking forward for UKPSC JE Hall Ticket 2015 to take participation in exam. For those here we provided complete information regarding hall ticket.
As per news, candidates are informed to download Uttarakhand PSC JE Admit Card 2015 before exam date. As we all know that hall ticket is essential document to take participation in exam, you need to carry respective admit card to the examination under any circumstances. The selection process is completely based on performances in written examination and followed by personal interview.
According to official notice, the Junior Engineer examination consists of total four papers, first two papers from General Hindi and English subjects and another two papers from engineering subjects. Beneath we added official details to download hall ticket, candidates can follow the steps to download admit card easily.
Follow the Instructions :
- First visit official web portal of UKPSC i.e. www.ukpsc.gov.in.
- Find the recruitment updates and click on UKPSC JE Admit Card 2015 link
- Now enter your Registration Number, DOB and Password and submit it
- Finally your hall ticket will be available to download.
- Download it and take hard copy and carry to exam center without fail.