Ravalika Medipally June 12, 2015

Pondicherry, June 12: JIPMER DM MCh merit list for 21 June online entrance exam will be published on June 26 for respective medical studies at digialm.com, jipmer.edu.in. Here is the update for JIPMER 2015.

As exam dates are fixed for JIPMER DM/MCh Fellowship on 21st June, the organization released dates to announce merit list for the same. As notified by Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research, candidates can download their JIPMER DM MCh merit list just after 5 days of exam i.e. on 26th June 2015.

For its graduate and PG medical courses, JIPMER is well-known throughout India as well as overseas. Apart from these regular medical studies, it has an excellent health care and research facility which ranges various disciplines.

Candidates after completing their online entrance exam can download this JIPMER DM MCh merit list from official websites, “digialm.com or jipmer.edu.in” from June 26 onwards. Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research, JIPMER conducts this exam every year for students who want to get admission into PG courses in Medicine.

Recently, the official portal released a link to download hall ticket and exam in scheduled for 21st June. It is said that test will be conducted in 12 different centers in the state and candidates are requested to go to respective exam hall before 30 minutes of test timings. The officials scheduled timing for this online test is from 10 to 11 AM.

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