CAT 2015 Admit Card is available to download now via online from official website at iimcat.ac.in.
CAT Admit Card is out now, candidates can download it by login to CAT 2015 website with their registered id. The admit card is mandatory to appear in the exam, as the authority is going to organize Common Admission Test on November 29, 2015 at pre-allotted exam centers across India.
Aspirants if you are one among them who applied for Common Admission Test (CAT) for current academic year 2015 are now eligible to download CAT 2015 admit card via online. CAT is conducted to those candidates who seeking admission in to Post Graduate (PG) and Fellow Programmes in management courses of various management institutes in the country including the IIMs.
As per official news, over 100 B-Schools in India accept the CAT Score. This is good news for all candidates who wish to grab admission in top most B-Schools. The CAT 2015 selection procedure will be held in three stages i.e. the online exam, the Written Aptitude Test (WAT) or Group Discussion (GD) and the Personal Interview (PI).
This year few changes have been introduced in the exam pattern, candidates can take a look over here to know the exact exam pattern. The online test will have three sections Quantitative Aptitude (QA), Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR) and Verbal and Reading Comprehension (VRC).
According to exam, the number of question will be asker per section is QA: 34, DILR: 32 and VRC: 34. The time allotted for each section would be 60 minutes each, i.e. an overall time is 180 minutes.