Indore: Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC) has uploaded MPPSC Admit Card of Engineering Service Preliminary Examination at its official site, www.mppsc.nic.in.
Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission is going to organize State Engineering Service Preliminary Examination on November 7 and 8, 2015 at various exam centers across the state. Nearly 25,000 candidates will be writing the exam, those aspirants site now advised to download MPPSC Assistant Engineering Admit Card 2015 via online from official site.
As per news, commission has uploaded admit cards of candidates, who have applied for state engineering service exam. The engg service examination would be organized in two shifts. On November 7, papers of Civil Engineering and Agriculture Engineering would be conducted in first half, while in second half the General Studies paper of Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering would be held.
The next day, second paper of Civil Engineering and Agriculture Engineering would be organized in first half, while Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering exam of second paper would be conducted in second half.
According to source info, the MPPSC is going to conduct Computer-Based examination for engineering services. Lately, MPPSC had declared to hold all its examinations in computer-based mode except state civil service examination.