APPSC AEE Hall Ticket 2016
Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission has completed the Assistant Executive Engineer registration process and scheduled for the examination on 3rd and 5th November 2016. The Commission will soon release the APPSC AEE Hall Ticket 2016, so candidates have to visit the official websites apspsc.gov.in or psc.ap.gov.in regularly.
Candidates who are looking for government in the state of Andhra Pradesh have completed the registration process before the mentioned dates. As the examination is just one month ahead, so candidates have to prepare well for the exam in order to get selected for the released posts.
The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission was formed when the Andhra Pradesh state was formed. Earlier it was known as Andhra Service Commission which was established in the year 1956 and later it was renamed to Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission.
This APPSC was established under Article 315 by the Constitution of India. After formed as a separate state, the government has releasing the jobs in order to fill vacant positions in government departments. Recently they released the notification of 748 Assistant Executive Engineer posts for which a massive number of candidates have applied.
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The latest news from the commission is that they are going to release the Andhra Pradesh PSC AEE Admit card on their official websites apspsc.gov.in or psc.ap.gov.in. So candidates can log in to the official websites and can download their respective APPSC AEE Hall Ticket 2016.
The APPSC Asst Executive Engineer Call Letter is a necessary document to carry for the exam centre without fail. In addition to this, all appearing aspirants have to carry mentioned ID proofs in the admit card. No candidate is allowed to write the exam without hall ticket and ID proof. All the applied candidates have to check the details such as exam venue, time, roll number and date.
Steps to download APPSC Asst Executive Engineer Call Letter
- Candidates need to visit official website either apspsc.gov.in or ap.gov.in.
- Select the desired admit card download link given on the homepage.
- Enter mentioned details in the provided fields.
- Download the APPSC AEE Hall Ticket 2016 and take a print out of it.
Official Hall Ticket download Link
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